Amsterdam 2020 - The Digital Benchmark


SEPTEMBER 28-30, 2020

2.5 days to assist decision-makers, marketers, and companies in their MarTech projects

Relation Client / Social Marketing

Chantilly - 12 & 13 avril 2022

Click here

Data / Acquisition / Parcours Client

Bruxelles - 28 & 29 septembre 2022

Click here

The Yearbook

Each participant will receive a book of about 300 pages (the Yearbook) to share internally, which will synthesize several market studies conducted by EBG with the collaboration of independent consulting partners.
To receive the 2020 Yearbook, please send an email to

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Previous Edition in Berlin
May, 22-24, 2019

After London in 2017 (350 participants), Barcelona in 2018 (700 participants), EBG organised the 3rd Digital Benchmark in Berlin from 22 to 24 May 2019. The event brought together more than 850 digital decision-makers from the largest European companies to discuss the choice and implementation of MarTechs strategies (marketing and technology).